Chapter 40: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum


Still. Quiet. Filled with sadness. The place was like a library, even a pin-drop could be heard. The history of the war and the suffering of the people, the dead and those who survived. I’ve never been a fan of visiting museums, I never understood art or had the slightest lick of interest about war. But, Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Museum touched me. Sure, I’ve read upon the war and history in school, but it wasn’t until I had a look at the real deal. The main thing that had me upset was the amount of deaths that occurred, the innocent lives that were caught up in the mess. Child survivors grew up to have health problems from the radiation, scarred permanently by the wounds and terror. It was a day were I learnt more than a day in school.

✈Osaka: Flying out on 23-11-2017

✈Okinawa: Flying out on 27-11-2017

✈Fukuoka: Flying out on 05-02-2018


7 thoughts on “Chapter 40: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

  1. Hi Tofu,
    What you say about Hiroshima is very true – it is indeed a special place. I did a series of four posts in August 2014 where I expressed very similar sentiments to those you have expressed. Every time I hear someone talk or write about Hiroshima in this way, it reminds me that Hiroshima still stands as a beacon for peace in a very disturbed world. I hope you are enjoying your current visit to Japan.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There are a few places in the world where a place can make you feel this way. I think the trick in Hiroshima is to go there the very first day, and visit all the memorials, like for example the one for Sadako Sasaki with all the paper cranes, and read all these sad stories. Afterwards you can take in the beauty of Hiroshima and Miyajima, and see that there is hope and beauty in the world. I think as a person you have to visit places like this to remember, and to grow, but at the same time it is important to remind yourself that there always is hope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww totally true! Get the sadness out the way and absorb the beauty fully later!! But when I came out at Hiroshima station I could already feel it was gonna be a beautiful day 😊


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